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Baby Parker


I had the great joy of photographing my cousin Laura's first baby! The session was a bit delayed so Parker is just over 3 weeks old in these images. She was such a sweet baby and it felt amazing to get back to doing what I love! And how cool is it to meet and hold Parker when I remember her mom as a baby!

Parker, Day 22

Since she was a little older, we made use of lots of wrapped poses. I knew this beautiful purple color would look amazing on Parker.

I love neutral, simple, classic looks. Parker looks so beautiful here!

I'm not going to lie, baby toes will always be my favorite. They are just so tiny and perfect, it is always necessary to include baby toes in a gallery.

And then, the most perfect way to end every session. Newborns are SO expressive.

It was so amazing to be in my new space, doing what I love and getting to capture these newborn moments for my family made it even more special!

Now booking late summer and fall due dates.

Fill out my contact form to reserve your spot on my calendar.

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